The College of Science community recently gathered to celebrate this year's Alumni Award recipients. These individuals have enriched many lives through their professional achievements, impact and service. They embody our vision to extend the reach and impact of science by improving life for the people of Oregon and beyond.
Although having a box of 300 buzzing bees in the corner of her laboratory is uncharted territory for Maude David, who typically works with humans, she maintains a steadfast belief that science moves forward through interdisciplinary teams.
Oregon State University researchers have discovered vitamin B1 produced by microbes in rivers, findings that may offer hope for vitamin-deficient salmon populations.
Researchers at Oregon State University have received a $4.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to study European foulbrood disease, which is killing honey bees and affecting pollination of specialty crops.
Five faculty members in the Department of Microbiology were part of a research group that analyzed how the the world’s largest dam removal and restoration project, currently underway on the Klamath River in Oregon and California, will aid salmon populations that have been devastated by disease and other factors.
College of Science faculty, staff, and graduate students have earned a record-breaking number of honors at University Day, a celebratory launch to the academic year featuring an annual awards ceremony. Science winners amassed an impressive 12 awards, beating the previous record of seven and garnering the most of any college across Oregon State.
Following a competitive national search, the College of Science and the College of Agricultural Sciences is excited to announce Professor Anne Dunn as Department Head of Microbiology, effective January 1, 2024. Dunn brings expertise in departmental leadership from the Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology at the University of Oklahoma, as well as extensive research experience and undergraduate and graduate student mentorship.
Researchers at Oregon State University have developed a new way to monitor the danger associated with algae blooms: “sniffing” the water for gases associated with toxins.
Eleanor Feingold, a statistical geneticist and associate dean with nearly 20 years of leadership experience at the University of Pittsburgh, has been named dean of Oregon State University’s College of Science. She will start Oct. 31.