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Funding for Graduate Students

Funding for Graduate Students

Kim Halsey and student working in lab.

A graduate degree without the debt

Graduate school does not have to mean taking on additional student debt. Most of our graduate students have their tuition fully covered and earn a salary through research or teaching assistantships. In fact, 95% of our microbiology graduate students are fully funded and earn a living wage as they pursue their degrees. Here is how it works:

  • Graduate Research Assistant: Talk with a faculty member about graduate research assistantships. This option depends on the availability of grant funding, which may cover all, or part of, a graduate student’s career.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistantships: Assist our faculty and instructors to teach undergraduate microbiology courses as a graduate teaching assistant. All students in the department are required to spend one term as a teaching assistant, but during their first year this option may allow students to explore different projects and advisors before deciding on a research topic.

Financial assistance

Graduate students are often eligible for financial assistance in the form of student loans or limited university-wide scholarships. For more information contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Limited scholarship opportunities for partial support in certain specialized fields exist within the microbiology program, e.g., for thesis topics related to fish and animal health or to the dairy industry.

Nationally competitive fellowships can be obtained from sources such as the National Science Foundation. These typically must be submitted with deadlines in November of the first year of graduate studies, and therefore require preparation before graduate studies actually commence (in late September). Such sources can augment or replace research grant support.

In addition, the department offers a variety of scholarships and fellowships.

How to apply

Application for Department of Microbiology scholarships and fellowships requires the submission of one letter of recommendation, a research statement (less than 1 page), and a CV. Applications should be emailed to the scholarship coordinator (Amy Timshel, [email protected]) after consultation with one's advisor.

Scholarships are awarded annually on a competitive basis, with typical awards of $500-$2,000. Eligibility varies depending on the particular award, and the number of awards given each year is dependent upon funding.

Fellowships are awarded on a competitive and/or a needs basis. Typical awards cover a stipend for one to three terms with tuition remission. Department of Microbiology scholarships and fellowships are made possible by donations provided by alumni, faculty members, and other donors.

Application deadline - January 30, 2025


Debbie S. Bellinghausen Microbiology Student Support Fund

This fund provides an annual award to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in microbiology. Student support can include, but is not limited to, travel for professional development, collaborative research projects, and scholarship support.

Eugene W. Seitz Scholarship

This scholarship is to recognize Dr. Seitz’s industrial achievements and leadership in pioneering the commercial manufacture of many and various microbial flavor building blocks. It also recognizes his graduate studies under Dr. William E. Sandine and Dr. Edgar A. Day, who jointly chaired his graduate committee. Dr. Day, a world-famous flavor scientist, became the V.P. Director of Flavor R&D at International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc., and supported Dr. Seitz in becoming the Director of Biological Flavor Technology at IFF.

Margaret & Charles Black Scholarship

The Margaret and Charles Black Scholarship Fund provides an annual scholarship award to an Oregon State University graduate student in microbiology who has demonstrated excellence in their graduate studies. Nominees must be Microbiology graduate students with a distinguished record of academic performance.

Dick & Toshi Morita Scholarship

Nominees must be Microbiology graduate students. Recipients must meet the following criteria: graduate student; microbiology major/focus; and demonstrates financial need. The nomination should document the student's academic record and other scholarly accomplishments. The application should include at least two letters of recommendation from faculty.

Sheila van Zandt Scholarship

Application due March 1, 2025. Apply here.

The intent of this award is to promote collaboration between a graduate student and undergraduate student. Application is by a graduate/undergraduate pair separate from other Department of Microbiology scholarships.

  • This scholarship is for an undergraduate/graduate student pair with one proposal submitted between the two of them.
  • The award is $1800 (with a requirement of matching funds from the lab).
  • The students give a presentation at the spring symposium (or an acceptable alternative).

Harriet M. Winton Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mrs. Harriet Winton in appreciation to Dr. J.L. Fryer for assisting in graduating her son, Dr. James R. Winton, in the study of Diseases of Pacific Salmon from the Department of Microbiology. This award will go to a microbiology graduate student in the study of diseases of fish. Financial need will be considered.

Faculty-nominated fellowships

John L. Fryer Fellowship

Nominations due January 30, 2025

The friends and family of John L. Fryer have established the John L. Fryer Fellowship Fund to honor and recognize Dr. Fryer’s scholarship and the years he dedicated to the study of infectious diseases of fish. The purpose of the John L. Fryer Fellowship will be to provide support to graduate student(s) at OSU involved in research on the infectious diseases of fish (finfish or shellfish) -- includes stipend & tuition.

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Fish Health Graduate Research Fellowship

ODFW submission deadline depending on availability

Provides graduate level training on a project that is relevant to the health of non-aquarium fish. This fellowship will support a graduate student conducting research towards an MS or Ph.D. in Microbiology or under the mentorship of a Microbiology professor at Oregon State University, with the intention of training towards and encouraging a career in fish health studies relevant to the wild fish popularities of Oregon.

Middlekauf Outstanding Graduate Teaching and Service in Microbiology

Nominations due April 23, 2025

The Mark H. Middlekauf Memorial Scholarship was established at OSU to aid microbiology students. Funds came from an endowment created by a bequest from the estate of Ruth M. Tyson. The scholarship honors Tyson’s brother, an OSU graduate in agriculture who died in 1918 while serving in the Army.

Nominees must be Microbiology graduate students with a distinguished record of teaching and service. Faculty and instructors may nominate students for this award. The nomination letter should document the candidate's outstanding teaching ability and exceptional dedication. Course evaluations may be included as additional support for the nominee.

The Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant will receive a cash award.

Middlekauf Outstanding Graduate Achievement in Microbiology

Nominations due April 23, 2025
The Mark H. Middlekauf Memorial Scholarship was established at OSU to aid microbiology students. Funds came from an endowment created by a bequest from the estate of Ruth M. Tyson. The scholarship honors Tyson’s brother, an OSU graduate in agriculture who died in 1918 while serving in the Army.

Nominees must be Microbiology graduate students with a distinguished record of academic performance, scholarship, and research. The nomination letter should include a list of publications, accepted manuscripts, presentations at scientific meetings, awards, and academic record. The nomination should include one additional letter of recommendation.

The Outstanding Graduate Student will receive a cash award and give a departmental seminar. A reception will be held in honor of the recipient.

Nicholas L. Tartar Graduate Student Fellowship

Submission deadline, January 30, 2025

Established by N.R. Tartar, M.D., a long-time friend of the early faculty in Microbiology. Awards are to go to qualified graduate students that meet residency requirements and are majors in the Department of Microbiology.