Graduate students are at the heart of our research mission, and we strive to find ways to develop a strong community through our core set of courses that all students take their first year, the microbiology graduate student association and our core values committee. We aim to provide opportunities that will make them successful as students and to prepare them for their chosen professional careers.
Graduate Student Life
Graduate Student Handbook
The graduate student handbook contains information on graduate study in the Department of Microbiology at Oregon State University. Pertinent material from the Graduate School is also included. Although this handbook is updated regularly, rules, regulations and deadlines may change at any time. Refer to the head advisor, department head or department web site for current departmental policies, and to the Graduate School for policies administered by the Graduate School.
Microbiology Graduate Student Association
The Graduate section of our Microbiology Student Association (MSA) promotes the professional development of graduate students and builds and strengthens the graduate student community within the department. The club facilitates community, outreach and scientific communication by organizing a journal club and offering a variety of social events, including excursions and weekend trips.
Learn more about MGSA Club
Recently graduated
Students that graduate from our program have taken a variety of career paths in microbiology including post-doctoral positions leading to academic faculty positions, positions in state and federal agencies, and in industry.
Engagement and leadership opportunities
Students are encouraged to participate in department and college activities and programs that promote leadership and engagement.