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Microbiology and BioHealth Sciences Advising

A student in the lab going over lab results on a notepad.

The mission of our advising team is to provide support as you identify and make meaning of options, obligations and opportunities that can help you reach your goals. We aim to work in partnership with you and help you to tend to the logistics of getting your degree, maximize your educational experience and set the stage for life after you graduate. Among other services, we can help with course selection and auditing your progress, assist in your integration into campus and academic culture and highlight ways to supplement your classroom experiences with learning outside of the classroom.

College of Science peer advisors

The Science Success Center’s Peer Advisors are extensively trained science students who will offer you valuable guidance about on-campus services, programs, classes, research, internship and study abroad opportunities, science student clubs, registration and more. They also can help you register for classes, apply for scholarships and help you feel part of Team Science at OSU. Visit the Science Success Center on weekdays between 9 a. m. and 5 p.m. or feel free to email at [email protected].

Preparing for medical school

The OSU pre-medicine program provides extensive resources to support pre-med students through all aspects of their preparation and application, and this is reflected in the high success rate of our students who are admitted to medical schools.

Transferring to Oregon State

Join a growing cohort and discover the resources that will help you succeed. Students interested in transferring to a program in Oregon State microbiology have access to transfer guides, articulation tables for schools throughout the United States and microbiology advisors to help your transition.

Schedule your appointment

You can schedule an advising appointment to be held in person OR using Zoom, an online video sharing platform. You are encouraged to email advisors directly, with questions or concerns.