The Department of Microbiology is piloting a one-step process for you to communicate your need to the faculty, advisors, and staff and will be evaluated by a group of MB/BHS advisors and faculty for consideration.
Request for Enrollment into Full Course - Upcoming Graduation
Are you a graduating senior that needs to get into BHS 316, BHS 329, BHS 323, BHS 345, or BHS 490 in Spring 2025 and the class is currently full?
Request for Enrollment into Full Course - Upcoming Graduation
Are you a graduating senior that needs to get into BHS 316, BHS 329, BHS 323, BHS 345, or BHS 490 in Spring 2025 and the class is currently full?
Note this process is ONLY for: BHS 316, BHS 329, BHS 323, BHS 345, and BHS 490.All other courses must follow the OSU standard waitlist procedure.Do not email the course faculty to request access, as only the details on this form will be considered. |
Please review the information below before proceeding.
- Only use this form if you are graduating within the next few terms, with no viable alternative course offered before your anticipated graduation date.
- I am graduating in Spring 2025 and there is no viable alternative option.
- I am graduating in Summer 2025 or Fall 2025 and there is no option to complete the course in those terms, thus significantly extending my graduation timeline.
- Like the waitlist, completing this form does not guarantee a spot in the course. I understand that I should work with my academic advisor to have an alternative plan in place in case I don't get into the course. Do NOT change your schedule until you hear back about your petition.
- Preference of faculty will not be taken into consideration. If there is an open section that can fit in your schedule, you will not be provided access to your requested course for faculty or time preference.
- Corvallis campus students may not be granted a seat into an Ecampus section if there is a viable Corvallis campus option.
- Major restrictions:
- BHS 316 and BHS 329 enrollment is limited to students with a major in Microbiology (570) or BioHealth Sciences (606) in Phase I. This class only opens to non-MB and non-BHS majors in Phase II. If you are not an MB or BHS major your request will be processed in the second time window (Day 2 of Phase II).
- BHS 323 and BHS 345 enrollment is limited to students with a major in Microbiology (570) or BioHealth Sciences (606).
- BHS 490 enrollment is limited to students with a major in BioHealth Sciences (606.)
When can I expect to find out if I can get in? How early should I fill out this form?
Students should complete this form as soon as they are eligible to register AND the course is full.
Forms will be reviewed and processed in three time windows.
- The first day that “sophomore standing” registration opens - (February 27, 2025)
- The second day of Phase II registration - (March 6, 2025)
- The Friday of finals week - (March 21, 2025)
All available seats will be considered at each of the review stages for all the requests on file. There is no guarantee that there will be available seats.
Students will receive notification of the request approval or denial roughly 2-3 business days of the listed timeline.
Applying for BHS 323?
Are there seats open in BHS 345? BHS 345 will complete the WIC requirement currently listed in MyDegrees as MB 385 or BHS 323. If you select this class let your advisor know so they can make the appropriate applications in My Degrees.